Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

304 - Degree in Medicine

26787 - Occupational medicine

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26787 - Occupational medicine
Faculty / School:
104 - Facultad de Medicina
304 - Degree in Medicine
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed requires the use of this methodology...


Professor´s lectures, ICT tools ( Information and Communication Technologies as: networks, use of online platforms to get access to Occupational Diseases cases with Virtual Patients, online software, computer, projector, etc ...) and e-learning systems.

Students will learn by using e-learning strategies and on-line materials that have been elaborated as result of different Scientific Projects supported by the European Commission. Those materials and strategies are being actually in use for Occupational Medicine teaching in a number of European Universities.


One of that online materials is considered as common basic core that should be taught to all Medical students in every European Country. In 2916 this material named "Emutom" was laureated by the Directorate General of Education of the European Commission because was considered very succesful and highly extended his use around Europe and outside EU.

Problem solving methodology and Virtual patients material will be used by students using an online platform that depends of Ludwig Maximiliam University and University of Zaragoza. This learning system was also awarded, in this case by Consejo Social and Universidad de Zaragoza in 2008.

Although there will be a number of lectures offered in a presential way, attendance to them is voluntary.
This means that learning process can be successfuly completed entirely online.

5.2. Learning tasks

Activites offered to students:

ACTIVITY 1: Professor´s Lectures

CREDITS: 8 hours at classroom

ACTIVITY 2: Practical work. Problems solving, Virtual patients and resolution of cases (workers/patients with occupational diseases or work related health problems).

CREDITS: 5 hs (online)

ACTIVITY 3: Practical activities.Descriptive review, updating & state of art of specific topics on Occupational Health.

CREDITS: 45hs (online)

ACTIVITY 4: Tutorship. Personal guidance & students´ interview. Students can ask for it both individually or in group.


ACTIVITY 5: Student´s assessment. Evaluation of both theoretical and practical skills.


ACTIVITY 6:Student´s autonomous work (study, seminars preparation, data analysis, information retrieval and further reading content)

CREDITS: 55 hs.


5.3. Syllabus

Syllabus/ Program

1.- Introduction to Occupational Medicine.
2.- Effects of work on health and occupational hazards:
2.A. Toxic and Chemicals agents.
2.B. Biological agents.
2 C. Physical agents.
2.D. Ergonomic risks.
2.E. Psycho-social and mental health risks at work.
3.- Health Surveillance
3.A. Health Surveillance Protocols and Guides.
4.- Health Promotion at workplace.
4.A. What any doctor should know regarding the adaptation of work to the individual and what is called "fitness for work" and "workability".
5.- Work-related Health Problems.
5.A. Work accidents, occupational diseases and diseases related to work . identification of work related "damage"/ health problems . Notification of occupational diseases. Occupational health and disabilities.
6.- Expert opinion in the field of Occupational Medicine.
7 .-Scientific Research in Occupational Medicine . Collaboration within so called "specialists of prevention of occupational hazards".


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Dates of scheduled activities


Lectures (on Monday)
17: 00-19: 30hs pm

September 26th
October 3rd
October 24th
Tutorhsip: They must be arranged with the Professor 


Completion of cases on the online platform (Virtual patients)
It must be done before the date scheduled for written examination.


Presentation of students´works and other mandatory tasks:
The deadline will be shown in moodle (it will be before the date set for the written test)




5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

 website for learning activities:


 Interesting Occupational Medicine websites:


Comisión Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo :

Salud laboral (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo):

Asociación Española de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo:

Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo:

Asociación de Mutuas de Accidentes de Trabajo:

European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions:

UEMS Specialist Section of Occupational Medicine:

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (USA)

The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine:

Organización Internacional del trabajo
The World Health Organization




1. VILLANUEVA CAÑADAS E. GISBERT CALABUIG. Medicina Legal y Toxicología. Editorial. Barcelona Masson,2004.

2.  MARTÍNEZ JARRETA B. La prueba pericial médica en el Derecho. Zaragoza: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza.1996: 143162.

 3. MARTÍNEZ JARRETA B. Ciencia Forense. Revista Aragonesa de Medicina Legal.

Zaragoza: IFC (CSIC).

4. GASCÓN  ABELLÁN M y cols (eds) DERECHO SANITARIO Y BIOÉTICA, Cuestiones actuales. Ed Tirant Lo Blanc 2011

Editorial Bosch, S.A Barcelona, 2011.

6. VÁSQUEZ MARÍAS P.; MARTÍNEZ JARRETA B. Documentos MédicoLegales. Colección"Orfila & Rotger" de Ciencia Forense .Zaragoza: IFC (CSIC).

 7. BASCUAS, J., VISPE, C., ALBALÁ, M. Y MARTÍNEZ JARRETA, B.Libro del Médico Interno Residente en Medicina del Trabajo de la Unidad Docente de Aragón.

8. GIL F Tratado de Medicina del Trabajo Barcelona: Masson, 2012.